This squirrel, which we have named "Surly", has been visiting our kitchen window ever since we moved into our apartment. At first his visits happened every other week or so. It was always a nice treat to see Mr. Surly Squirrel early in the morning.

The local area experienced some heavy flooding, due to rain last Thursday into Friday and partially into Saturday. It has been raining for several days in a row now.
Saturday afternoon, the rain showers had subsided for the moment. This allowed the sun topoke its head out and grace us with a smile. This also gave all the little critters a chance to warm up and dry off. So logically, our good friend Mr. Surly used the perfect bush right outside of our kitchen window for a calm nice place to dry out.

He seems to be a little camera shy though. Because every time I run to get my camera, he scurries off.
Like in the picture to the left. Once he realized I was taking pictures of him, he skedaddled.
Sunday it was also raining. My buddy Dan came down to watch some football. So, Marine decided to bake off what was left of the "inside-out peanut butter cups". The warmth of the oven not only warmed our home and hearts (and stomachs. Dan devoured the IOPBC's) but the oven also offered warmth to a squirrel.
a Mr. Surly Squirrel.
As you can see in the picture below, our out-take fan sits right next to the oven. On the other side of that fan is a vent, which expels our excess heat from the oven.
a Mr. Surly Squirrel.
As you can see in the picture below, our out-take fan sits right next to the oven. On the other side of that fan is a vent, which expels our excess heat from the oven.
Sunday, while watching one of the games, Marine began to "Whisper Shout" for me from the kitchen. However, my attention was occupied by the great american sport that is football. So naturally I took my time to make my way to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, this is what transpired....
Marine- "Surly was just at the Window!"
Shawn - "You had a squirrel visitor?"
Marine - "Yes, but at first I just saw his fluffy tail out of the corner of my eye.
He then climbed up the screen to see if there was a way to get in."
Shawn - "So you could see his squirrel junk?"
After a bit of banter I went into the living room to get my camera. I came back to find Mr. Surly Squirrel just chilling right outside of the vent. Reaching out for it and sniffing the air around it. Below is a picture of Mr. Surly chilling in the bush, on the branch, directly outside our kitchen vent.
Thinking about it afterwards, in wasn't the warmth that had attracted Surly's attention it was probably the smell of the fresh baked "inside-out peanut butter cups". The intoxicating aroma of baked peanuts was driving the squirrel nuts. He was looking for a way into our kitchen and steal our cookies.
Monday, to our surprise, he came back to visit us again! While we were making coffee; he must have heard the grinder and came running. He climbed up the screen and looked directly at us as we were both in the kitchen.
and again today (Tuesday) .....
This is an image of Mr. Surly cleaning his tail. He leaped to the branches seconds after.
He is plotting. Look at those eyes.
He is testing the fence, seeing if there are any weaknesses.
And when he finds one...

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