I am not a conservative person. I like to "cut it loose" every once in a while. But I do believe we, as humans, should have a code of ethics. I thought radio and television use to abide by a code of ethics.
One of the problems in America is the lack of ETHICS.
The following link is a perfect example of a lack of ethics.
The article is about a "project" that a Duke College Student worked on during her time at school.
"The F**K List"
When Marine showed me this article the other morning I was livid.
I was so ticked off, way to ticked off for that early in the morning.
I just couldn't believe some one could be so full of themselves to do such a thing.
The first thing that annoys me is that this girl is a WHORE.
What self respecting woman would do this???
I know that the porn industry makes tons of money each year,
and that people have multiple sex partners.
But that is THEIR private information.
Your sex life should not be displayed for anyone,
unless you plan to make money off of it.
aka.. the porn industry.
and those people know exactly what they are doing.
So the fact that she did this with all athletes and possible future stars makes this girl a WHORE.
She slept with that many people for the sake of making money.
I do not buy the fact she did this for her future lower class mates / sorority gal pals.
this WHORE did this project to get MONEY.
She knew full well that in this depraved society, some dirt bag publisher would publish her "book".
America eats this shit up like sugar. She saw a business plan and went with it.
(which I have to admire, cause that is the American Spirit )
But the facts stand. The girl is a WHORE for attention and money.
I wonder what her parents think of her.
Her father must be so proud that his hard earned money was spent on such a "project".
Im sure in the local supermarket all the other housewives snicker at Mrs. "Fuck List".
They laugh and say things like, "There goes the mother of "that" whore from Duke."
I'm sure this is not what the girls parents had in mind when they sent their little girl away to DUKE.
DUKE, though you may be one of those top schools...it seems your students are taking way too much advantage of "student life" and not their academic studies.
I'm sure this activity violates your school's code of ethics that most college students sign at the beginning of their college career. (Remember that giant stack of forms you filled out?)
I'm sure that there are some people out there, who actually go to college to learn something.
But it seems like over-all, "social networking" and partying take priority to actual schooling.
For example, just the other day at my friend's house, a student at one of the local colleges went to class after having 3 gin and tonics and who knows how many beers.
Oh, and she drove there.
These college "kids" aren't all that smart as they??
I just think America needs to stop buying into the illusions.
Our children are doing things that are fucking themselves up at college.
Mentally and Physically.
Mentally and Physically.
My good friend who went to a Tech School in Florida got himself messed up on Pain Killers.
We send our kids to school for education and this is the kind of stuff that happens.
We have allowed media and advertising to do this to us.
The hype machine says, "this is cool" or "this is how you make quick money."
and the people do it.
Just like this whore from Duke.

Again. Let's thank Alcohol for turning our nation's little girls into Dirty Whores.
I hope she gets a big book deal.
So she can get sued for all that she is worth.
I am just so angry about this!

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