While on yahoo.com I came across this article about a project.
This project, which is also an experiment, is being performed by New Yorker Sally Davies.
The importance of this project can only compare to "the original fast food test":
Placing a tooth in a dish of Coca Cola Classic.
We all know that Coca Cola Classic dissolves your teeth after prolonged exposure.
Coca Cola Classic destroys enamel, which CAN NOT regenerate.
At least, that is what the dentists say,
So that they can sell you Enamel Protecting Tooth Paste.
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But those of us who enjoy Coca Cola don't really care.
People all over the world still love the Tooth Decaying Tastiness that is Coca Cola Classic.
Don't worry Pepsi, I enjoy your fine Cola product as well.
I'm certain that your Cola can dissolve teeth just as well as Coke's can.
But wait!
Now there is a new "study" that we should take some interest in.
Sally Davies has currently been photographing a McDonald's happy meal for 180 consecutive days.
She has let this happy meal sit out in her living space.
Each day taking a photo of it.
Watching it.
(This is the Flickr Album where you can find her photos of the project.)
But what has she found out from her project so far?
But what has she found out from her project so far?
"The only change that I can see is that it has become hard as a rock," Davies told the U.K. Daily Mail.
"The food is plastic to the touch and has an acrylic sheen to it."
This woman Sally Davies has opened a door!
I wonder if she was trying to open this door.
Because this says VOLUMES about what the McDonalds Company has become.
To think that this food substance does not naturally break down...
What kind of chemicals and preservatives are they putting into this so called "Happy Meal",
in order for NO mold to grow on it?
What startles me most is that Mcdonalds serves this product to our world's children.
Think about all the uwanted and uneaten portions being thrown away.
Those french fries,
and plastic cups,
and cardboard burger boxes,
and semi eaten "hamburger" patties,
not to mention all the broken stupid plastic toys,
that will end up sitting in a dump somewhere.
clearly not decaying.
clearly not decaying.
Is this really a "Happy Meal"?
A monkey can shit something more appetizing than that crap.
I finally know why it gives me diarrhea...
my body is trying to expel it from my system as fast as it can!
The human body is smart enough to recognize that McDonalds "food" is not real.
That, my friends, does not make for a "Happy Meal".
