We all know that squirrels from New Jersey can beat the acorns out of squirrels from Delaware. However! The squirrels from Pennsylvainia seem to be smarter than both the squirrels from New Jersey and Delaware, even if you combined the brain power of the two.
Really? Just how smart are these squirrels?
These squirrels are smart enough to out smart a human being AND countless hours of human engineering.
The human being is our neighbor across the hall.
The human engineering is the squirrel trap. (Which was probably made in China...) (...do they even have squirrels in China?)
A week or two ago now, our neighbors put some lovely flowers out on the front stoop.
Since it is Autumn, the squirrels have been going wild.
The foraging season IS upon us and the squirrels have begun fattening up for the winter.
Our neighbor's lovely flowers are in a plastic planter...
The squirrels have been foraging in this planter....
Leaving an even pile of dirt all around the outside of the planter.
The flowers have not been harmed.
The squirrels are making a bit of a mess, but squirrels will be squirrels.
Four days ago a large rodent trap appeared inside the entry way to our apartments.
I wondered to myself if we had a rat problem... I have not seen any giant rats. Hm.
The next day the same trap was outside... armed with peanuts... ready to snare its prey....
Later in the day the trap had been triggered and there were no peanuts to be found.
Remnants of shells could be seen around the trap and on the front stoop.
For the next 4 days i wondered who placed the trap out there.
At night it was kept in the entry way, but during the day it was kept outside.
I used my deductive reasoning and the scientific method and assumed it was the neighbors, angry at the mess the squirrels have been making of their lovely flowers.
I ruled out the maintenance man; I've seen him chase the squirrels off, make noises at them, and squirt the garden hose at them, but he doesn't seem to want to cause any harm to the squirrels. He and the squirrels have probably formed a few games over the years.
Also, he seems to have no interest or time for trapping squirrels. and 1 trap is not enough to capture a whole herd of ravenous psycho killer squirrels in the courtyard.

ravenous psycho killer squirrel
Today = Confirmation
Today, I saw the determination of our neighbor.
Today the trap was set earlier and triggered.
An hour ago I actually saw him RESETTING the trap.
These squirrels have figured out how to hustle peanuts from this guy!
They knock over the trap - guy puts more tasty peanuts in. EASY!
This guy is basically giving the squirrels a treat.
Even though the peanuts are a change from the many acorns falling from the trees,
these squirrels have plenty of food to pick from on the ground.
Why would they enter some bright shiny sliver thing just for some peanuts of death?
No matter what this guy does,
A squirrel is gonna do, what a squirrel is gonna do.
This guy needs to let his anger out in a different way.
Stop worrying about these squirrels and the tiny mess they make.
Worrying gives you cancer.
Besides, where are you going to release the squirrel once you trap it?
Out back??
Where it can then easily climb onto the roof and back over into the court yard.
Thank you neighbor guy for keeping me thoroughly amused.

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