The reasons for a delay in a blog update was due to a migraine headache on Wednesday and my 6.6 mile walk yesterday. (my hips and lower back are killing me!) But it was a much needed push to help strengthen those muscles.
Our Journey to Jersey
Usually, five Minutes after we leave our apartment is when we begin to get aggravated by traffic and Pennsylvania Drivers. Now ya see, PA drivers are like "Sunday Drivers" except they are out EVERY day of the week.
But not today. The roads were next to empty and the crazy people were no where to be found.
It was extremely bizarre.
This made getting out of our area unusually easy on this particular Tuesday afternoon.
This made getting out of our area unusually easy on this particular Tuesday afternoon.
So it was expected at some point that we would encounter some bone-headed move by some dumb-ass, some where.
It just so happened that "Awesome" Maneuver #1 would be executed at the intersection of West Delaware Ave and Pennington Rd (Rt 31) in Pennington, NJ.
Google Map View of Intersection
#1 - The "C" word in the BMW
The Red Car labeled "US" represents Marine and I. The White car labeled "****" is the Dumb Woman in a BMW. The circle and arrow represent the color of the traffic light.
As you can see, We are situated behind Dumb Woman at a traffic light.
When the light turns green, Dumb woman, at the slowest pace known to snails, begins to pull forward.
Instead of making a proper left turn, she begins to angle her car to align it with the entrance for the gas station. (the building in the top right corner of the images)
We continue to make a left in the proper manner, thinking that this woman is going to straighten out and actually finish turning left.
This friggin woman actually ends up cutting us off!!
unable or unwilling to signal her intent to turn right, halfway through a left turn.
As the traffic arrow turns red, we are being cut off by this lady who is apparently NOT turning left. But actually trying to make her way into the gas station.
She had no intention of making a left turn.
She was angling her car just enough to make a right turn as she is "turning" left through a traffic light!!
Which leads to me rolling down my window and yelling the "C' word the loudest I have ever yelled that word in my life.
So loud, people with their windows down could hear me over the noise of all the trucks and cars at the intersection.
These motorist quickly began to look around, trying to figure out which person could be this "C" word . If they caught a glimpse of my "Jersey Bird", then my middle finger pointed at the BMW was an obvious give away.
So I began to look at the intersection. While preparing this post.
I noticed how well the lane system and entry ways for the gas station were designed.
The red arrow shows the proper way to gain entry to the gas station when making a left turn through the intersection.
The blue arrow shows the proper way to gain entry to the gas station when making a left before the intersection on the adjacent street.
The yellow arrow shows what the Dumb Woman in the BMW did.
She went into the wrong entrance way. She should have made her way several yards forward to use the proper entry way. Then she could have signaled her intent. instead of angling her car and cutting us off.
The Following is an animation I put together to better illustrate what this "****" did.
moving on
# 2 - The Jack Ass in the Truck
Our fun with idiots was not over just yet. no more than five minutes to five miles down the road, a box truck driver decides to cut us off. He pulled out of a shopping center, bolting out between another box truck and us. Which caused us to brake suddenly as he began to grind his gears while shifting trying to get his truck into gear so he could speed up.
Angry from the "****" before. I honked Marine's horn. (she needs to get better at using it)
Then without thinking, I grabbed my cell phone and called the company. This man Joe answers the phone. This is the conversation we had:
Joe : Thank you for calling "*****", This is Joe, how can I help you.
Me : Hey Joe, How are you doing today.
Joe : Not bad and yourself?
Me : I'm doing pretty good today, I'm actually calling to let you know that one of your truck drivers is driving, well, like an ass.
Joe: Where are you at?
Me : Near Hopewell NJ, on 31
Joe: Well, that's not good, what exactly is he doing?
Me: He just pulled out of a shopping center abruptly in between us and another truck. Which caused us to brake and him to ride the ass of the guy in front of him. He could have waited.
Joe: Oh my, did you happen to get a truck number?
Me: No, but I have the license plate number.
Joe: Shoot. (as in let me know what it is, not dangit, this guys' got us)
So I let Joe know the digits and he thanked me and assured me that he would have a word with the driver when he gets back to the warehouse.
Another five minutes down the road the truck driver abruptly pulls to the side of the road, signaling a mere second before excuting his manuver.
I can only hope that he was pulling over to answer his cellphone. And that Joe was on the other end of the line, ready to yell at the guy for driving like an ass.
I can only hope that he was pulling over to answer his cellphone. And that Joe was on the other end of the line, ready to yell at the guy for driving like an ass.
# 3 - Crazy Bitch in a Civic
Later in the day as we're headed towards the somerville circle, in Hillsborough we come across a crazy bitch in white a Honda Civic who has:
+ pencil in mouth.
+ bluetooth in ear.
+ papers in her lap and hands.
+ looking down at her feet.
+ while approaching a lane merge after passing through a traffic light.
= (equals!)
Crazy Bitch in a Honda Civic cuts us off!!! causing Marine to shift into the left lane abrubtly. luckily no one was in the other lane!!!
#4 - The Filthy Lying Waiter
We made dinner plans with our friends Christine and Sean to go to the new restaurant Maestro in Hillsborough.
Do not let the above picture fool you. It is not bright in this place at all! Very very very dimly lit during dinner. I could barely see across the table. It wasn't until half through my meal did my eyes adjust to the lighting. Even then it was way too dark in that place.
Service was slow, and it seemed like it was one of the bus boys trying his hand at waiting on a slow night. Which is fine - you gotta get some experience somehow.
The food was delicious. But it was the 20 dollars of dessert, which we DID NOT order, that was added to our bill that really pissed me off!
I'm very glad I looked at the tab. Who friggin does that?!
He only had THREE tables to cover. There is no way he could have screwed up. I'm sorry. I know a liar when I see one, and that guy was caught!
To top it all off, after enduring an onslaught of idiocy and craziness during the day, while on our return trip home at 11 pm at night. 5 miles away from our house, on the exit ramp to get to Rt 1. we came across:
#5 - Ignorant **** in a Cadillac
STOPPED In the middle of a fork in the road. Proceds to back up in the middle of the off ramp. first into a guy who is in front of us trying to turn right, onto the off ramp. Then he cuts in front of us, trying to then turn left which was the direction we were trying to go!
Marine ACTUALLY Slams her hand down on the steering wheel and lays on the horn.
THE FRIGGIN IGNORANT **** of an idiot rolls down his window and gives us the finger.
HE gives US the finger.
How ignorant of the asshole. HE's the one that just pulled the dumbass move in the middle of an off ramp and he has the audacity to give us the finger.
Which brings me to my point of all these little stories... R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Marine talked about RESPECT as it pertained to a certain business. I'm talking about RESPECT
pertaining to every day life.
We, the people, have lost respect for just about everything.
We have no respect towards anything. Most people don't even have respect for themselves.
We, the people, need a wake up call. We have completely ignored everything we were ever taught; it's rather sickening.
The best I can do, is start treating people with a bit more respect myself - or at least be aware of what my actions say about myself to other people.
The simple solution - Just start thinking. We, the people, need to start thinking and being more aware. Of ourselves, and of each other.

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