If you recall, last week ....
...our courageous heroes ventured to the state of gardens- the lush green lands of New Jersey.
Their journey was filled with many obstacles and perils...
Several turns almost resulted in the deaths of our protagonists.
Prepare yourself for this week's:
Journey To Jersey
( A Hazy Morning )
It was a crisp beautiful morning. We left our humble abode promptly at 6:30 am EST.
Our usual road out of the Philadelphia area is interstate 95 via the Vine Steet Express Way. To avoid 76, we usually take the Martin Luther King Junior Drive which Runs along the Schuylkill River. Martin Luther King Junior Drive then connects to The Vine Street Expressway. Which is then a straight shot onto 95.
While on Martin Luther King Drive, I noticed several helicopters in the sky. The choppers seemed to be circling the area in which we were headed.
I even recall saying , "I bet there's a crash somewhere."
SINCE it was now 6:45 in the morning, (15 minutes after we departed) my brain was not at full functioning capabilities and I was unable to put 2 and 2 together.
We get onto the Vine Street Expressway.
Suddenly, behind us we hear a flurry of sirens. Local Cops and State Troopers come racing through the morning commute traffic. As we were driving, a cop pulls right in front of us and blocks off the section of road that we were headed for.
Confused, we follow other motorists slowly to the right and up the off ramp that was several yards before the road block.
We should have known at that point that something was up. Unaware of where we were, we took an on ramp back onto the Vine Street Expressway several blocks from where we got off, thinking we had driven past what ever mess was ahead of us.
We had not. There, in front of us was a line of cars had began to pile up behind the cop car that was blocking access to the Expressway.
Now, behind us, other cars started to fill in. I am not sure why the cops didn't block off the top of the on ramp at first- it would have prevented the back-up on the on ramp. Perhaps we were just several minutes ahead of their accident area containment plan.
Now, behind us, other cars started to fill in. I am not sure why the cops didn't block off the top of the on ramp at first- it would have prevented the back-up on the on ramp. Perhaps we were just several minutes ahead of their accident area containment plan.
Luckily, it was not long before the authorities reopened our side of the highway. Setting us behind only 35 minutes.
Waiting in 35 minutes of traffic however awarded me with a photo opportunity of the crash...
Amazingly NO ONE was killed in the crash. And despite NBC's Helicopter being on the scene the longest. It was FOX and ABC that reported on the events. Along with a few other online NEWS SOURCES.
Maybe it was a miracle that saved those motorists that morning.
Some ONE or some THING looking down on them. The force training to show us that witnessed it a sign.
But several miles down the road, while photographing the sun behind one of my favorite views off of 95, I found a face.
I found a face in the sun.

How's that for seeing something!
Photographing such an epic image after seeing such an awful thing... higher power or whatever, that photo is stunning. BEST photograph I have ever taken- hands down.
If it hadn't been for that crash and our 30 minute wait I would have never gotten that photo.
It really was "perfect" timing.
We experienced some other traffic and detour troubles while trying to enter New Jersey, near New Hope. This set us back a grand total of 70 mins or more.
All of this happened because we had to drop the Versa off at Somerset Nissan for it's 15,000 mile service and we needed to get it in early (8am) so we wouldn't have to leave it over night.
We didn't drop it off until 9am but luckily we didn't have to wait too long. The car was ready by 2:30. And we were on our way home around 5:30 after several pit stops at the parents' and friend's places.
And that was part two of our ongoing series,
Journey to Jersey
Stay tuned for the next adventure!

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