These companies have impressed me with their amazing patriotism and ability to inspire!
Thumbs up you guys! Great Friggin Job!
These companies offer a great service at an even greater price.
These companies offer a great service at an even greater price.
That's two things for one!! (which merits plenty of exclamation marks!!!!)
And like Mr. Joseph Foglia, my color blind high school chemistry teacher, I love a Two-Fer.
AND! There is no better Two-Fer than GREAT SERVICE at a GREAT PRICE!!
First off I would like to give a Thumbs UP! to TIME Magazine.

First off I would like to give a Thumbs UP! to TIME Magazine.

Product Description : GOOD, CLEAN, Infotainment. News, Facts, Figures, Opinions and Global Happenings delivered to your door step 56 times a year in an easy to read package.
AMAZING PRICE: $29.95 thats 53 CENTS an issue!
How can TIME offer a savings of $247.25 !!??!!
I'm pretty sure we only payed $19.95 for our subscription though....
I will have to confirm with Marine. I do remember being amazed at the fact it was only 20 bucks to get a subscription.
My second thumbs up goes to Ben and Jerry.
Yes, I do mean the creators of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Not only do they offer delicious varieties of premium Ice Cream at a great price but they have also held true to their values.
Yes, I do mean the creators of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Not only do they offer delicious varieties of premium Ice Cream at a great price but they have also held true to their values.
I was unaware of their amazing efforts to maintain a small piece of common sense and humanity in Corporate America. My whole mindset was changed when I watched a BIO feature on Ben and Jerry. I suggest that you WATCH the DOCUMENTARY. You can find it available on NETFLIX. It is extremely informative and touching.
A bonus thumbs up goes to BIOGRAPHY for providing amazing information to Americans for years. !!
My Third and Final Thumbs up goes to Trader Joe's.
My Third and Final Thumbs up goes to Trader Joe's.
Another Company that has held on to Common Sense.
Thank you for offering a splendid variety of Vintage Sodas.
This Orange Cream particularly quenched my thirst these past few hot days.
Satisfaction for under a DOLLAR a bottle! Awesome.
THUMBS UP! ! ! !
(thumbs up logo comings soon)
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