Recently I found myself cleaning the apartment. I was cleaning things in a way I had never done before. I made the bed. I vacuumed the couch. I also try my best not to leave dishes in the sink.
I felt like a crazy old lady. the type that end up putting the plastic lining on the couch and still wont let anyone sit on it.
I suppose it took a while, but I finally understand why my mother made such a fuss about certain things. I was just too dumb, young, and naive to understand. I guess that IS growing up.
So in honor of the good old times and the propaganda pamphlets the American government use to put out to promote Patriotism, I have written my own little guide. (the first of many)

The American Government presents:
Shawn Hill's Guide : Being A Better American
Proper House Keeping
3 Steps to Success!
Dad is in the driveway cleaning his brand new American Made Motor-Vehicle. Mother is in the kitchen cleaning her beautiful KitchenAid appliances and utensils. Junior is upstairs tending to his studies and chores, while Spot, the dog, barks at squirrels in the back yard.
This is your typical American Family, Doing what typical Americans do everyday.
It is the American Way to keep your humble abode clean and orderly. Heck! It is your American duty to keep your home spic and span!
Today's Blog Post brought to you by:

As an American you are entitled to certain freedoms. These freedoms define you from the rest of the world, they separate "US" from "Them". The "Good" from the "Bad". The "Clean" from the "Unclean". Only in America do we hold dreams to be self evident!!
In a country filled with hard working Men and Women, a good American is only as good as the House they keep. Proper House Keeping is the Key to the American Success.
If a family keeps their home clean and happy, That clean and happy attitude will carry over into the work place. With a happy and clean attitude, you can accomplish more and be 110% effective in executing your daily duties.
First step is to Vacuum throughly.
That means even vacuuming the couch. It would be very embarrassing to ruin the new clothing of a neighbor, co-worker, relative or friend.
Second is to Make the Bed EVERY morning.
A welcoming, plush, fluffy bed is the first step to a successful night of sleep.
Third is to Do The Dishes at night before Bed.
Waking up in the morning to a clean sink will put you in a better mood to prepare breakfast.
A better breakfast means a better energy. Which means a better day.
Just implement these 3 Simple Steps into your daily routine and you will be on your way to a better home. A better home gets you closer to being a better American!
- Shawn Hill
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