DIY tea bags, made extra adorable. I'd love to try my hand at this some time.

Bill Murray on a five dollar bill. My boss showed this to me the other day; the funny thing is that it really does look like Bill Murray, but it also closely resembles one of my co-workers.

My sister posted this on my Facebook wall... with our love for squirrels, it's just too good not to share. Except, now Shawn wants a stuffed squirrel in squirrel armor... where would we even put that?!

I came across this vintage name bracelet that says Toni on it, but to me it really looks like it says Fart... I kinda want to buy it. (Edit: PS... I totally just bought it!)

Despite the accumulating amount of recipes I keep wanting to try that require one, I still haven't purchased a food processor. Joy The Baker comes to the rescue again with a recipe that tempts me with the flavors of Nutella, but without the need of a food processor. I must try this!

One of my customers actually told me about this staircase that some parents made entirely out of legos for their child's room. I grew up playing with legos, but never to this extent. It's definitely worth a look!

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