Even google was in the holiday spirit!
We saw my family first - my siblings and I played a few games on the brand new kinect (far too much fun!), then we opened gifts (far too many!), and after all the fun we finally sat down for a late lunch/early dinner.
It was quite the fancy feast - my parents made cod-cakes (just like crab-cakes but with cod!) for a quick appetizer, but the highlight of the meal was the beef wellington they constructed (that we all pitched in to decorate, as you'll see in a bit). Shawn had never had beef wellington before, and I don't think I've had it outside of my grandmother's house, and even hers aren't homemade... so this one was exciting, to say the least. We had green beans and pan-fried potatoes too, which Shawn convinced my dad to put a bit of smoked paprika on, to everyone's delight! A lip-smacking Christmas feast!
After digesting a bit with some coffee and a Trader Joe's buche de noel, (come on, what's any meal here without a little something from TJ's?!), we spent a few hours with Shawn's mom, catching up and opening even more gifts. (Seriously, families, you went a little crazy this year!) We headed home at a reasonable hour hoping to avoid any snow (thankfully the snow didn't start until Sunday morning around here) and got home just in time to snap a few photos of all our gifts under the 'tree' and then dozed off with full bellies and smiles on our faces. It was a wonderful 2010 Christmas!
Now for photos!

All the gifts lovingly wrapped under my parents' tree... so many!

Playing kinect - even Kusko was entertained. (The dogs kept messing it up with their wagging tails!)

My mom's pretty table settings only come out for special occasions!

Beef wellington, green beans, and potatoes lasted just long enough to take a picture.

We all pitched in to decorate the beef wellington!

Kusko has a bow! And hates us for it.

So Shawn reassures him with a hug. It looks a little silly anyway

And I got a non-blurry pictures of Luna- hurrah!

And lastly, all the gifts under our 'tree'... we were spoiled this year with so many great things! Cookbooks, cookware, yoga things, new scarves and sweaters, and the list goes on. But the true highlight of this year's holiday wasn't the gifts, it was the family time - it was the first time my family had been all together at the house in a very long time, and it was awesome.
I hope everyone's holidays were just as wonderful. Happy new year! See you in 2011!

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