There are 2 washers and 2 dryers. I, as in me, being an unselfish individual decided to only use the one washer. (just in case another patron of the complex needed to utilize the facilities.)
Each load of wash takes 30 mins. So 2 loads of laundry would take 60 mins to wash.
What I forgot to check was, how long it takes to DRY the clothes. Which happens to be about 60 minutes.
So if I do 1 load of wash then another load , I will still have to utilize both dryers for at least 30 minutes! What I also didn't realize was that the dryers were HUGE!!!
2 loads of wash can totally fit into the dryer.
Which means I could have dried both loads of wash at the same time. Which would have saved me 30 minutes of waiting and $1.50.
DAMMIT. Math and Mornings were never my thing.
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