Friday, December 16

Neighborly Advice

We have a new neighbor again. 
The nice quiet couple across the hall moved out several months ago. 
Now we have an Egyptian / Jewish looking guy.

He likes to talk really loudly on the phone in the hallway and slam doors.

He has yet to put his name on his mailbox.
Which I guess means he doesn't intend to receive mail.

Including all the junk mail that came to his mailbox.
He took it upon himself  to sort out mail not addressed to HIS NAME,
So he started throwing it on the floor.

At first it was a few Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. 
About a week ago Marine had noticed a Bed Bath and Beyond Coupon outside on the steps.
She placed it back inside.
It was not addressed to us. 
Yet we did not want trash blowing around our lovely courtyard.

Then it was the weekly coupons and junk being piled up underneath the mailbox.

After a small pile had compiled. (hahah pile joke)
This guy placed the pile outside on the front steps!
He continued to do such sucky things.

Marine came home yesterday and exclaimed,
"I'm going to go ahead and assume our new neighbor is an asshole."

So she told me about the pile that had been growing.
I looked and it was like a grocery bag full of papers and ads.

Later in the evening as we were trying to nap. 
We heard the Maintenance Man (hereby referred to as MM) knocking on his door.

MM told him to stop putting his mail on the stoop outside.

The guy had the nerve to tell MM that it was NOT HIS MAIL.
MM basically laughed and said, "Don't lie to me."

I am fairly certain that new guy even tried to blame it on me!
Which MM nicely defended with, 
"He wouldn't do that. Look, I know the address. It says it on the mail.
Just knock it off."

The new guy defeated, apologized and offered to clean it up.


You DO NOT  put junk mail on the floor underneath the mailbox in the common area.
You DO NOT place pile of junk outside in the elements when it becomes to large!

Obviously this guys parents didn't teach him common sense things.


Some body else isn't gonna deal with it man!


How hard is it to take the junk mail and place it in recycling?

What a fucking ass nut. 



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