* The power of power-washing. (We still have half of the deck left to do)
* Grilling; how else are you supposed to make dinner during the summer?
* We got a new gnome for our collection!
* Mushu loves laying in the dirt...

* S'mores bars, simply delicious.
* Getting creative with cupcake frosting.
* Homemade brown sugar = so much better than store-bought.
* "Feed me, please!"

* Squirrel shot, from our apartment-living days. (Clearly I need to upload photos more often)
* I got my hairs cut! Although, this isn't news to anyone anymore, really.
* Reese's Puffs marshmallow squares... why are sticky treats so much better during the summer?

* Mushu just loves the camera! Look at that face.
* A semi-healthy meal, for good measure. Fresh vegetables!
* Bamboo has a pretty face too, he wants you to know.
And last but not least, this amuses me; I've been reading the web comic Questionable Content for years (seriously, at least 8 years now...) and my recent haircut + my glasses make me look like Faye, one of the main characters. Can't say I'm not a fan! Also, the shirt I'm wearing is one of his designs.

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