Of course I had to pull the car over and stop to take a picture. I wanted to pick him up and move him to a safer location but I wasn't sure how he would react... the closer I got to him the more he retracted his head inside his shell. As I drove off I passed a car that was headed in his direction and all I could do was hope that they would see him and have enough sense to drive around him. He was a pretty large turtle so I'd be really surprised if they hit him.
Here are a few other May happenings:

Chocolate chip cookies; of course.

Homemade chocolate raspberry tart.

Bedtime cat cuddles.

Daytime cat cuddles.
Now if only these May showers would cease... my dad opened the pool over a week ago but we haven't had weather nice enough to attempt any pool-time yet. Hopefully the sun comes out soon! In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

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