Sunday, April 1

Smooth Jazz

While I was waiting for my pizza, I stopped in at the SJ Cigar store to have a look around.

When I walked in I noted to myself the sweet smooth jazz music that was playing.
Something similar to this...

There was a gentleman to my right seated at the espresso / hookah bar. 
With his pizza.

I walked towards the counter where there was a big black gentleman in a spiffy hat and jacket. 
He was asking the clerk about cigars. 
He was interested in procuring some for his friends birthday this Sunday.

This was their exchange -

Guy : My Buddy was telling me about these cigars he likes. Starts with a G or something.
Clerk : Could be this. ( I don't recall the name of the cigar )
Guy : That sounds about right. How are those?
Clerk : Well those are alright. 
Guy : Well I'm trying to get him some for his birthday. And I know that he likes those.
Clerk : What would really nice is if you get him something new. Something that isn't such a generic cigar.
Guy : Oh really?  
Clerk : Yeah, that cigar is a cookie cutter cigar. It's not the best of quality. It's alright.
            It's like saying Starbucks is a great cup of coffee.
Guy : Oh okay, well what would you recommend?
Clerk : We have this cigar that is from Cuban stock. It's square all the way through and is very mellow and
           smooth. You can sit back and have a great scotch with it.
Guy : How much would 1 of those run me?
Clerk : 7 bucks.
Guy : And they're smooth right?
Clerk : Just as smooth as this guy on the piano.
(pointing to the radio and making note of the smooth jazz music, the same that I noticed when I walked in.)

Guy : Oh that sounds nice. But I need 'em smoother than that. 

There was some more banter and the Guy left without anything.

It was one of the best exchanges that I have witnessed in a long time.
Very Seinfeldian.

My thought was this:
"That jazz music was pretty damn smooth. Any smoother you'd be falling asleep behind the wheel."

He must have wanted some of that slow trumpety jazz. * yawn *


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