So you're not all bad. But still annoying like randomly ringing church bells on Friday mornings.
This is so bad. so so so so bad. Who in the hell gave the go to this commercial. It is terrible.
Editing. Sound. Did an intern make this?
Please lick the floor of the restroom.
You guys get out stains, so stick to that.
Because it's obvious you don't know how to make a television commercial without being lame and annoying.
Moving on.
Shame on your advertising department Target and Resolve.
Shame on you for creating such perfect brain melting atrociousness.
You are On my List of 100 People / Groups of People I wanna slap in the face.
Addendum by Marine: I thought it would be appropriate to add that there's one commercial on my can't-stand-it list and it's that Old Navy commercial for the long and lean flares. The song gets stuck in my head All.The.Time. Also, the commercial doesn't make any sense! Why are they bowling in platform shoes?! They're going to hurt themselves! Then it won't matter how 'long' and 'lean' their legs look in their jeans, because they'll be on the ground, and their jeans will probably be ripped. That's all.
I will NOT watch these commercials for the fear that they will get stuck in my head too. I'm serious.